Avalon Transcedent advice?
Dear Wojciech, It is always with great interest and pleasure that I read your reviews! This is increased by the fact that you have reviewed almost all key parts of my music system now, Soulution 721 & 710 and Avalon Transcendent. Of all equipment that I am familiar with (I also auditioned the 745), I always agree with your findings. It's about the Transcendent that I am seeking some advice: I bought the speaker just before your review. Initially, I thought you had auditioned it with not very well matching electronics, given your review. But almost a year further in experimenting myself, I have come to the point that I'm afraid I have to agree with your review conclusions! As we went through considerable effort to select the speakers to also fit into the 'decor', I am hesitant to switch to other speakers. It is for that reason that I am seeking advice as to what I could do to get a richer, warmer, more natural tone from the Transcendents? And, do you think it is at all possible to get a tone from that speaker, that is more saturated and more 'right'? Looking forward to your reply, if possible in your probably very busy schedule! Kind regards, Marcel The Netherlands |
Dear Marcel,
Reviewer's work is to find everything is possible in a short time - I do it for 10 years and I am really good at it :) As you see I am very modest:) Anyway - the only, and I mean - the ONLY way to saturate Avalons is to drive them by tube amp. And high power amp. It means that the only amp is capable of it, in my opinion at least, is Reference 150 by Audio Research. I've heard it several times and it was really good, really nice! It won't be the greatest sound in the world, because of weakness of bass in AR amp and little dry midband in Avalons but the amp and the speakers will go hand in hand if you know what I mean. Beside this - Reference 150 is great amp on it's own! Just try it and I bet you'll love it. Best regards Wojtek Pacuła editor |
Dear Wojtek,
Thanks for your rapid response! I will audition the AR with the Transcendent. Looking forward to how it compares to my Soulution 710. Keep up the good work! Cheers, Marcel |
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